A milky white sake cup applied with straw-ash glaze over the throwing-marked body in folkcraft style!
Online Sake Cup Shop specialized in Japanese ceramic sake cup
Echizen-Yaki Pottery’s Sake Cup (Fukui)
A beautiful sake cup applied with milky ‘Hai-yu’ (or ash glaze) over ‘Ame-yu’ (or caramel glaze) in ‘Chosen Karatsu’ style!
Online Sake Cup Shop specialized in Japanese ceramic sake cup
Mumyoi-Yaki Pottery’s Sake Cup (Niigata)
A sophisticated sake cup formed with so-called Mumyoi (red) clay and decorated with an abstracted design of flowers by wax resist technique!
Online Sake Cup Shop specialized in Japanese ceramic sake cup
Iga-Yaki Pottery’s Sake Cup (Mie)
An unglazed sake cup wlth a bold look by buildup of natural glaze, which is created during firing!
Online Sake Cup Shop specialized in Japanese ceramic sake cup
Echizen-Yaki Pottery’s Sake Cup (Fukui)
A thin and light sake cup formed with the certified local clay and applied with ‘Irabo’ (or greenish mottled) glaze!
Online Sake Cup Shop specialized in Japanese ceramic sake cup
Hagi-Yaki Pottery’s Sake Cup (Yamaguchi)
A warm-looking sake cup with creamy makeup, which looks like deer skin and with wavy lip!
Online Sake Cup Shop specialized in Japanese ceramic sake cup
Aizuhongo-Yaki Pottery’s Sake Cup (Fukushima )
A greenish sake cup with brown spots which are protruded from the iron-rich clay!
Online Sake Cup Shop specialized in Japanese ceramic sake cup
Tanba-Yaki Pottery’s Sake Cup (Hyogo)
An impressive sake cup with decoration of provocative brush stroke through which the flavor of the clay is felt!
Online Sake Cup Shop specialized in Japanese ceramic sake cup
Seto-Yaki Pottery’s Sake Cup (Aichi)
A warm-looking sake cup with a gentle touch of ‘Nezumi Shino’ (or grayish Shino) glaze !
Online Sake Cup Shop specialized in Japanese ceramic sake cup
Agano-Yaki Pottery’s Sake Cup (Fukuoka)
A hard-looking sake cup applied with oak-ash glaze and with its flow created during firing!
Online Sake Cup Shop specialized in Japanese ceramic sake cup