An upright sake cup with the complex configuration of ‘Yohen’ (or kiln change) created by firing in a hole kiln!
Online Sake Cup Shop specialized in Japanese ceramic sake cup
Category Archives: Japanese Pottery & Porcelain
Hagi-Yaki Pottery’s Sake Cup (Yamaguchi)
A traditional ‘Gohonte’ (or reduction-fired) sake cup with application of liquid white clay and with the unique three-way split foot!
Online Sake Cup Shop specialized in Japanese ceramic sake cup
Utsutsugawa-Yaki Pottery’s Sake Cup (Nagasaki)
A sophisticated sake cup with a lonely ‘Shira-sagi’ (or white egret) facing to the left, in the field painted in brush stroke!
Online Sake Cup Shop specialized in Japanese ceramic sake cup
Tokoname-Yaki Pottery’s Sake Cup (Aichi)
A tasteful sake cup with an elegant look, created by iron-rich clay and wood ash glaze and with beautiful inside pool of the glaze!
Online Sake Cup Shop specialized in Japanese ceramic sake cup
Seto-Yaki Pottery’s Sake Cup (Aichi)
A sophisticated sake cup with unique texture and with application of gradated ‘Oribe’ (or green) glaze in innovated technique!
Online Sake Cup Shop specialized in Japanese ceramic sake cup
Takeo-Yaki Porcelain’s Sake Cup (Saga)
A white porcelain’s sake cup with the robust appearance, diagonally shaved at the waist!
Online Sake Cup Shop specialized in Japanese ceramic sake cup
Kyo-Yaki Porcelain’s Sake Cup (kyoto)
A sophisticated sake cup with flowery decoration created by crystallization of greenish glaze!
Online Sake Cup Shop specialized in Japanese ceramic sake cup
Shodai-Yaki Pottery’s Sake Cup (Kumamoto)
A solid-looking sake cup applied with iron glaze, of which style is artistically new to Shodai-Yaki!
Online Sake Cup Shop specialized in Japanese ceramic sake cup
Kirigome-Yaki Pottery’s Sake Cup (Miyagi)
A glossy white sake cup with decoration of cherry blossom in coloring and arabesque scraped the black belt around the unique high foot!
Online Sake Cup Shop specialized in Japanese ceramic sake cup
Koishiwara-Yaki Pottery’s Sake Cup (Fukuoka)
A matted sake cup with rhythmical decoration of ‘Tobikanna’ (or jumping marks) in folkcraft style!
Online Sake Cup Shop specialized in Japanese ceramic sake cup