Tanba old-fashioned sake bottles and new “TanbaStyle” !


One of the traditional pottery making centers is Tanba-Yaki located at Konda-Cho, Hyogo-Ken. Potters’ family have handed down their expertise within the village from generation to generation. Because of the background, potters have the same family names such as Onishi, Ogami , Ichino, Shimizu and the like. We can still enjoy the traditional old-fashioned pottery like “Unglazed Tokkuri or sake bottle” here. In addition, we are very pleased to know that contemporary tableware is proposed by younger potters, celled “TanbaStyle”. Tanba-Yaki is one of the most active pottery center in Japan.
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Unique sake-ware applied with “japan” !

The japan ware is Japanese traditional craft as well as Yakimono, or pottery and porcelain. We occasionally encounter unique pottery and porcelain applied with “japan” all over the surface or partially. So, we can say that these are products in collaboration with two traditional crafts. The time consuming works and specialized technique are required due to the different nature of materials

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Ja-gama (snake kiln) at Tanba !

It is essential to use kilns to fire the pottery and porcelain products. A traditional wood-fired kiln like an ana-gama (or hole kiln) or a nobori-gama or (climbing kiln) was very popular for the long time. However, these days, due to smoke from the kilns and cost of the wood, the wood-fired kilns face difficulties to use while gas-fueled kilns and electric kilns are getting popular due to easy control of temperature and cleanness. . This kiln is called Ja-gama (snake kiln) , a form of climbing kiln with a length of 50m and 9 chambers , at Konda-cho of Tanba which was built 140 years ago. Now, many potters here are trying to restore to practically use it.

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Wide variations of Tanba Sake Bottles !


Tahnba-yaki is one of the Traditional Craft Products designated by the Japanese Government. Accordingly, it has a long history as the pottery producing center. Particularly, its unglazed ones are well-known from ancient days. One of the Tanba features might be its variations of sake bottles. From the top, Kasa (Japanese umbrella), Rosoku (Candle), Rakkyo (Shallot), Kinuta (Beating block), Kabura (Turnip), Koma (Spin) bottles.

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Heartwarming Sakeware !

We can find heartwarming sakeware at many production center of pottery and porcelain in Japan. The first one has a fish in the inside of prospect, called “Sake no Sakana”, meaning “Something to nibble while drinking”, or literally “Fish of Sake”. The second has a male or femal Kapa (Japanese legendary creature) inside. Whenever we enjoy drinking sake, we feel warm visually as well.

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Joyful sake cups, “Pegu Hai” !

There are unique sake cups in Japan, so-called “Pegu Hai” by which sake lovers enjoy a lovely sake time among their friends. They are forced not to put their cup on the table and to empty their cup to the last drop. It might be a joyful game in drinking sake.
With the first one, they are forced to take a cup out of the different size of cups, as indicated by a spinning die. The second one has a pointed bottom, meaning no base to put on. Sometimes, a stand for the cup will be offered to relief their duty. Naturally, they have to drain their cup every time. The third one has a hole in the center of cup. Again, they have to empty their cup to the last drop by holding the center hole with a finger in drinking.
It is quite fun, but you should be careful to try these cups!

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Nostalgic Ginzan Onsen (hot spring) in Yamagata !

Ginzan Onsen has the nostalgic environment of Taisho era (1912 – 1926). We can rest both the body and the spirit in the quiet environment with hot spring baths, old-fashioned inns and nature. We feel at home, which has been disappeared these days. Due to such nice settings, this place is used for many TV dramas.

There are two Kaminohata-Yaki workshops & galleries at the entrance to the Ginzan Onsen. The Kaminohata-Yaki is traditional porcelain, which is quite unique in the Tohoku ragion.

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Pottery & Porcelain Fairs in the early summer !

Spring and fall are the most popular seasons for the pottery & porcelain exhibitions in Japan. However, the two big exhibitions are held in the early summer, which are ones in Sendai (Tohoku) and in Ebetsu(Hokkaido). We can enjoy national-wide pottery & porcelain ware at one spot, which is quite interesting experience.
About 130 potters in the “3rd National Yakimo (ware) Fair in Miyagi (Sendai)” and 330 potters in the“25th Ebetsu Yakimono (ware) Ichi (Fair)” displayed and sold their interesting works respectively.

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Tableware Festival in 2014 !

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The Tableware Festival was held at Tokyo Baseball Dome February 2nd thru 10th . This is one of the major ceramics festival where many potters and ceramics-related companies display intereting pottery and porcelain products all over Japan. Besides, the well-known professionals make their proposals for tableware and table settings. Many female visitors enjoy their fantastic display and tableware.

This is the big event to me since we can meet our business acquaintances and counterparts here participated all over Japan.

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“Dome Ceramics World” in Nagoya !

”Dome Yakimono (Ceramics) World” is one of the major national-wide ceramics exhibitions in Japan. We can enjoy a great variety of pottery and porcelain all over Japan at one location. As in Japan, there are countless local yakimono (ceramics) festivals from time to time, as matter of fact, the exhibitions are opportunity to see effectively many potters’ works and familiar potters. About 300 booths of individual potters and local guilds were there. The similar events will be held in Tokyo and in Fukuoka the early next year.

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