Spring Pottery Festival in Tanba-Yaki (Hyogo)


The end of April thru the beginning of May is Spring Holiday Season, called a Golden Week in Japan. Many ceramics production centers in Japan set special events to exhibit and to sell their characteristic pottery and porcelain products. Tanba-Yaki (Hyogo) is not exception. They held Haru Monogatari or “A Story in Spring” to open their work studios to the public and to show the old climbing kiln firing products by members of potters and volunteer.
The climbing kiln is 47 meters long and 2 meters wide having 9 chambers

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Unique Mumyoi-Yaki pottery at Sado !!

Mumyoi-Yaki is unique pottery formed with Mumyoi red clay, which is produced at only Sado gold mine and fired at high temperature. A the Ed period, it was said that the clay was used as blood-forming medicine because of its iron-rich content. Only potters living in the Sado Iskand are eligible to use the red clay.

The Aikawa area has many sightseeing spots such as remains of the gold mine and gold refinery, a magistrate’s office and so on. Long time ago, the Sado Island was isolated and accommodated many criminals for gold mining.

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Kurashiki beautiful sight area !!

Kurashiki (Okayma) was the Edo Shogunate’s (Government ‘s) demesne in the Edo period. There are many merchant Kuras (or warehouses) with white walls reserved around the Kurashiki River. The area is designated as Kurashiki Bikan Chiku (Kurashiki beautiful sight area) by the government.
Sakatsu-Yaki was started,by Suekichi Okamoto, one of the richest merchants, using local good clay in the early Meiji Era here.

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Onta-Yaki produced at nostalgic village !!

Onta-Yaki is produced at Hita City in Oita prefecture. The Onta Village is one of the most unique villages in many ways, consisting ten (10) potter’s families only. Surprisingly, no modern machinery is used in the pottery making process.
Once we walk into the village, we notice nostalgically rhythmical sounds from a device called “Karausu” or (Chinese mortar) powered by water of the river here and there. This is used to pound and to make fine clay for pottery.
The Onta-Yaki was started in the mid Edo Shogunate, by an assistance of Koishiwara-Yaki’s potters and handed down within the limited potters.

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Unique pottery, Tsuboya-Yaki in Okinawa !!

Tsuboya-Yaki is unique pottery of Okinawa prefecture, the southernmost prefecture. The traditional technique is not different from that of the mainland of Japan but the decorations and colors are uniquely outstanding.
Tsuboya-Yaki is originated in the 17th century, by the former Ryukyu Kingdom under influence of the Satsuma clan. At the time, the Kingdom integrated the local production centers into Tsuboya (current Naha city) to increase roofing tile. This is the reason why Tsuboya-Yaki is being produced at Yachimun (pottery in Okinawa dialect) Dori (street) near a center of Naha for 300years and more.
Due to emitted smoke in firing pottery, Jiro Kinjo, a living national treasure moved to Yomitan-son, the center area of the mainland of Okinawa in 1972. Then, many potters followed and developed a new pottery village, Yachimun No Sato (village). Here are Yomitan Tsuboya-Yaki and Yomitanzan-Yaki now.
Photos : Yachimun Dori guide map, typical Tsuboya-Yaki shop, A climbing kiln at Yachimun No Sato

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The last ceramics exhibition at Nagoya Dome !

The last Yakimono (Ceramics) exhibition, Dome Yakimono World for 2016 was held at Nagoya Dome the last month. Many visitors enjoyed interesting Yakimono of all kinds displayed by potters attended all over the Japan. We were not exception. This kind of exhibition is quite convenience to encounter new potters and their works in addition to meeting many acquainted potters.
After the event, we feel that the year is fast drawing to a close.

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Miyagi Kura (storehouse) Ceramic Festival !

Many ceramic work festivals are held all over Japan all the year around. They are very joyful especially for pottery and porcelain lovers.
Here is “Miyagi Kura (storehouse) Ceramic Festival” held at Murata-town, Miyagi Prefecture October 14th to 16th . Potters from the northern mainland (Tohoku and Kanto) display and sell their proud works at the unused merchant storehouses, which were built in the end of Edo era. We can enjoy striking works and chats with potters under the nostalgic atmosphere.

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National Yakimono (ceramics) Fair in Miyagi !

The 5th National Yakimono (ceramics) Fair in Miyagi was held at Sendai from July 14, to July 18, 2016. National-wide potters were gathered together and displayed their proud products. This is a good opportunity for Tohoku (the north prefecture of Japan mainland) people to see and buy unfamiliar products.
One Banko-Yaki potter displayed pottery sake-ware used for a reception at the last Ise-Shima summit meeting. Bajyohai or sake cup with a long foot (stem) was beautifully decorated with platinum and gold.
In addition to ceramics products, other Japanese craft works such as japan products (laccuerware), casting ironware, hand-made paper were displayed.

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