A reddish-brown sake cup with decoration of ‘Ryusenbori’ (or incised lines) at the side and with the white brush stroke inside!
Online Sake Cup Shop specialized in Japanese ceramic sake cup
A reddish-brown sake cup with decoration of ‘Ryusenbori’ (or incised lines) at the side and with the white brush stroke inside!
Online Sake Cup Shop specialized in Japanese ceramic sake cup
A tasteful sake cup with a vivid color contrast of the smoked ‘Yohen’ (or kiln change) and the ‘Muyoi’ (or reddish clay)!
Online Sake Cup Shop specialized in Japanese ceramic sake cup
A light sake cup with a geometric pattern by kneading creamy clay and colored clay in marbling technique!
Online Sake Cup Shop specialized in Japanese ceramic sake cup
An octagonally faceting sake cup with the mild corners, applied with deep black glaze in folkcraft style!
Online Sake Cup Shop specialized in Japanese ceramic sake cup
A matted light’s sake cup decorated with simple ‘Soshoku-mon’ (or geometric patterns)!
Online Sake Cup Shop specialized in Japanese ceramic sake cup
A magnificent sake cup decorated with the fine geometrical patterns on the side and the upper belt in traditional Satsuma-ware style!
Online Sake Cup Shop specialized in Japanese ceramic sake cup
A sophisticated porcelain’s sake cup with impressive ‘Hotaru-te’ (or clear dots in firefly image) decoration!
Online Sake Cup Shop specialized in Japanese ceramic sake cup
A roundish sake cup with a quaint appearance by brush stroke decoration in gold and platinum!
Online Sake Cup Shop specialized in Japanese ceramic sake cup
A beige sake cup with decoration in white brush marks and with a fish sailing in the bottom pool!
Online Sake Cup Shop specialized in Japanese ceramic sake cup
A largish sake cup with traditional chatter decoration on the warm slip makeup in folkcraft style!
Online Sake Cup Shop specialized in Japanese ceramic sake cup