A mighty-looking sake cup hand-formed with iron rich clay and fired repeatedly at a high temperature!
Online Sake Cup Shop specialized in Japanese ceramic sake cupg>
A mighty-looking sake cup hand-formed with iron rich clay and fired repeatedly at a high temperature!
Online Sake Cup Shop specialized in Japanese ceramic sake cupg>
A mysterious-patterned sake cup in ‘Suminagashi’ (or marbling print) and with application of ‘En-yu’ (or salt glaze)!
Online Sake Cup Shop specialized in Japanese ceramic sake cupg>
A ‘Kiseto’ (or yellow Seto) sake cup decorated with ‘Senmon’ (or fine incised lines) and with ‘Tanpan’ (or copper-green marks) inside!
Online Sake Cup Shop specialized in Japanese ceramic sake cupg>
A sophisticated sake cup with reddish flower motif in ‘Yuriko’ (or red copper glaze) which was created by reduction firing in a kiln!
Online Sake Cup Shop specialized in Japanese ceramic sake cupg>
A sophisticated sake cup with beautiful looks created in white and light brown brush strokes on the dark brown clay!
Online Sake Cup Shop specialized in Japanese ceramic sake cupg>
A solid-looking sake cup decorated with ‘Yomon Seki’ (or leaves pattern in incised lines) on the stone-like surface!
Online Sake Cup Shop specialized in Japanese ceramic sake cupg>
A reduction-fired sake cup decorated with ‘Senbori’ (or incised lines) and with ‘Yohen’ (or kiln change) on the flattened body!
Online Sake Cup Shop specialized in Japanese ceramic sake cupg>
A hexagonal sake cup with a sophisticated ‘Shonzui’ (or auspicious) design in Indigo Blue!
Online Sake Cup Shop specialized in Japanese ceramic sake cupg>
An unglazed sake cup with outstanding features of ‘Yohen’ (or kiln change) and throwing marks!
Online Sake Cup Shop specialized in Japanese ceramic sake cupg>
A semi-smoked sake cup with application of ‘kuro Yu Ginsha’ (or black glaze in dull silver) and with decoration of a slip ring in white!
Online Sake Cup Shop specialized in Japanese ceramic sake cupg>